Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Day + 18

Jeff is no better or worse than he was yesterday. The bronchoscopy that was performed yesterday (to clean out his airways and get biopsies) caused some of the infection in his lungs to spread to his bloodstream, making him more septic. This caused his blood pressure to drop a bit, so they started some new medicines and increased the oxygen on the vent.

The nurses caring for Jeff tell me that he is still strong, and is quite feisty when they are moving him around. I'm taking this as a very good sign that he still wants to fight through the hell.

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Michele said...

Did you expect anything less than a fight from your husband? Hold strong!

Anonymous said...


Just know that I check in on your blog daily and pray constantly for your family.

You are going to be a medical expert - thanks for explaining things in detail so the rest of us can understand.

God bless you all!

Kathy said...

Jamie & Jeff,

I just wanted to check in with you guys. I've been praying for your entire family since I heard a few months ago that Jeff was sick again.

Prayers from Germany,