Sunday, December 06, 2009

Day +15

Fungal pneumonia is a nasty beast.  Jeff is still hallucinating, and pretty confused.  His body is shaking, and because of the hallucinations, he hasn't really slept in days.  After I put JD to bed last night, I gave Marilyn a break from sleeping at the hospital and stayed in Jeff's room with him.  The night was pretty hectic, with nurses in and out several times an hour.  The alarm was set on Jeff's bed so that every time he got up, someone came in to see what he was doing.  Early this morning, he was having trouble getting enough oxygen, so the nurses called the "Quick Response" team, and within a few minutes, there was a room full of doctors and  nurses from the ICU.  Although they parked the crash cart in front of his door, he was NOT close to needing it.  Still, I'm not too keen on seeing those paddles so close his room. 

The nurses caring through Jeff through this ordeal have been fantastic.  I'm so thankful for the sweet way they treat him.  It's very obvious that they care what happens to their patients.  Although, I'm fairly sure that Jeff won't remember much of this hospital stay, I won't be forgetting it anytime soon.


Danielle Micale said...

your right. we probably wont be forgetting this anytime soon. i just hope that someday we can laugh about the hallucinations with Jeff. Because really, what was that all about?

Amy Gleason said...

Thoughts to you--and Jeff...and wishing for the tide to turn today.

Tim, Candy and Hannah said...

Oh, Jamie! I pray this is the "hitting the bottom" part so there is no where to go but up! I can't tell you how many times I send a prayer up during the day for you. Love to you all! Please give Marilyn a HUGE HUG from me. (Remember I am way bigger than you so you have to really squeeze tight.)

Jamie said...

My thoughts are always with you, Jamie, as you guys wade through these rough waters.