Saturday, December 05, 2009

Day +14

I'd like to be able to paint a pretty picture of what's going on right now, but it ain't pretty.  Jeff has a fungal pneumonia, is on oxygen, and is receiving breathing treatments regularly.  He is not running a temperature, but his blood pressure is on the low side, and he is retaining fluids.  Although his PCA (the morphine) was stopped, he is still very confused and is hallucinating, which is probably a result of the anti-fungal medication he is receiving for the pneumonia.  The worst of the mucositis is over and he was able to eat a bit this morning, but he is still receiving nutrition through his central line. 

Despite the fact that the he received a much lower-dose chemo this round, the cumulative effect of the prior treatments and this one, is taking its toll on Jeff's body.  His movements are jerky and his hands and feet are constantly shaking.  He has more tubes and wires attached to his body than I care to count, he can't get out of bed without help, and right now he is giggling about something he thinks he is seeing.  My beautiful husband is in a sorry state right now, and all I can do is sit here and watch.  (Insert really bad word here.)

I'll try to update regularly over the next few days.


Sally said...


Hugs to you! I don’t think there are very many people who can understand what it is you are going through right now, but please know that even if we can’t understand, we are here if you need us. I know that it can’t be easy to post such bleak updates, but I want you to know that we all really appreciate them. You have a lot of people who are checking in and hoping, praying and supporting you and Jeff during this difficult time. Hugs again!

Thinking of you often,
Sally, Andy, Ava & Reese

Anonymous said...

Stay strong. Speak words of encouragement to Jeff - the power of being surrounded by positive energy should not be underestimated!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
My heart aches for you all, I hope that this is the worst and that from this point on, it can only get better, know that we are sending all the positive thoughts we have your way. Thanks for all the updates,we think of you all everyday. Give that cute little JD a big hug from all of us!!
Celeste,Rob,Curtis and Nikki

Lisa said...

I know this is hard to watch, but please know that every living moment we are thinking and praying for you guys. It breaks my heart that he is suffering and you and Marilyn have to witness it. I am hopeful that he will pull through this. Please hug Marilyn again for me and tell them both I really do love them.

William Brock said...

I know it is really tough to watch, but hang in, there is life after leukemia, and the suffering is worth the cure. Keep positive, hold his hand,you will make it together.

Tim, Candy and Hannah said...

Love you all, Jamie.