Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Day +18 continued

Jeff is relying more heavily on the ventilator today. His kidneys are a little worse, but he is still producing some urine. He is still getting medicine to help elevate his blood pressure. The infectious disease docs are evaluating him to make sure that he shouldn't be getting any additional antibiotics, and the surgeons have determined that it is not feasible at this time to remove all or a portion of the most infected lung.

His nurse has told us that his condition is considered critical, but that at this point it's a stable-critical.
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Anonymous said...

Keep talking to Jeff. The more he hears your voice (and other family members), the quicker he will bounce back. Perhaps tape record yourself and other family members and have the tape play continuously when you are away from the hospital (although I am sure you are there nearly as long as permitted). Stay strong.

Tim, Candy and Hannah said...

We are keeping the faith, Jamie. I can only imagine your, and everyones exhaustion. You are all in the heat of battle and I know you will win the war! We are praying continuously....

Spongs said...

I have to agree with everyone, Jaime, Jeff needs to hear you and other family members with him so he continues his fight. Stay strong. Keeping the prayers rolling! Be sure to take care of yourself, too!!