Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Notes from the Frying Pan

When will I learn?  I have to teach myself this lesson every 6 months or so.  Lately, I've been feeling pretty run down.  So, I took a look at what I was putting in my mouth, and what I wasn't.  Well, turns out I was not drinking any water.  Duh!  (I hate that word, by the way.)  So, a couple of days ago I starting slamming water and just like magic, I feel much better.  I do not have that completely exhausted feeling at 5:19 when JD lovingly wakes me up with his calls for MAMA.  Why 5:19 you ask?  Good question.  JD likes to get up early and drink juice on the couch with his MAMA.  Lately, Hallie has also been keeping him company. 

Actually, JD did sleep in one day this week.  It happened to be the day that I didn't realize that my alarm clock set itself to standard time without informing me that it was switching things one week early.  So, when I woke up and saw that it was 5:36, I thought JD had slept in...but only for 17 minutes.  In all actuality, it was 6:36...something I didn't realize until Nancy called over an hour later wondering why I was so late.  Oops.  


Danielle Micale said...

i am soo confused...are you teaching yourself the lesson of daylight savings time?

isnt it scheduled for this weekend?

im really glad to hear that the water is working.

Jamie Schaut said...

Danielle - The alarm clock in my bedroom sets itself. It also automatically switches at the beginning/end of daylight savings time. Unfortunately, it switches a week early now, because THEY (whoever that is) changed the date for the end of daylight savings.

Comprende? Is that spelled wrong...I'm not up on my spanish.

Paula said...

See the banter???
Just two souls loving each other!

Danielle can't get out of the car fast and she can't understand...
is the village looking for their idiot?

Or are we wondering about 'out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Danielle Micale said...

enter, the medler.