Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not Coincidentally

Jeff's new donor is from Germany, and because Jeff has a mostly German ancestory and HLA tissue types are largely based on ethnic background , it is not really a big surprise that his donor is also German.  When I found out this little tidbit today, Jeff's donor became much more of a real person to me, and I got a bit choked up because this stranger from across the Atlantic Ocean is willing to give a part of himself to help save Jeff's life.  Once again, I thank all of you who are registered as bone marrow donors.

In other news, Jeff's kidney function took another hit, so we'll be watching things closely over for the next few days to see what happens.  His creatinine level will have to be much closer to normal before he gets more chemo, so the transplant date could get pushed back a bit.  In the mean time, Jeff has been getting IV fluid everyday to help things along.



Jill Campbell said...

That's awesome about Jeff's Donor...I'm sure that everyone who became a donor hopes to bring the same joy to someone else someday. I know I do :)

Paula said...

WOW...the kindness of strangers