Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Donor Search, Etc

Jeff's counts are starting to rise. His white count is up to 0.3, and his red blood has been stable. He needed platelets as recently as Friday, but I'm hoping that no more transfusions are needed. Oddly enough, Jeff's taste buds seem to be making an early recovery. He was able to taste almost everything he ate today, and he downed somewhat normal amounts of food. Because he has lost about 20 lbs, and will probably lose more during transplant, we need to continue to keep him well-fed.

You may or may not have heard that the preliminary data available through the donor registry shows several 9/10 matches for Jeff. The hospital is currently working through the logistics of getting confirmatory typing completed on the possible matches, and choosing the best all-around person for the job. The process usually takes about 6 weeks, so we have to hope that one of the possibles works out in a timely manner.

In the mean time, please do not let this information deter you from attending our local donor drive. Jeff only has a match because of the thousands and thousands of people that have been registered in drives just like ours, and have committed to helping an absolute stranger. There are still lots of people who need transplanted, but can't get it because they don't have a suitable donor. PLEASE, please, if you fit the bill medically, make the right decision and attend the drive.


Danielle Micale said...

Since I am addressing the world in this post, I also encourage everyone to attend the bone marrow drive. Feel free to post questions, comments, or your best drive advertisement. Someone will respond with an answer and/or rate your creativity.

Now...this car situation...
Jamie knows me all too well...the past few days I have been brewing a comeback...
However, in the midst of my retaliation, I discovered something...
I get out of the car SLOW!
Not only do I get out of cars slow, I get off motorcycles SLOW.
What is there to fiddle with on the back of a motorcycle?
I get out of bed slow, I get off the horse slow...the list goes on!

Remember JD's first birthday...he burnt his finger on the flame. He's curious! I love that about him!
Sorry again, chloe, I will put the cake farther away next year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie, Jeff & JD,
Well, after I saw that Jeff needs to be well-fed, I can help with that, is all I need to know is what sounds good to him that I could send down with someone the next time they are headed down that way. Chicken soup? desserts? Let me know..

Laura Antonelli said...

Oh, man, that's just not fair....Celeste is sending down some of the OLDE COUNTRY CUPBOARD SOUP AND DESSERTS!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! THAT is why Jeff's tastebuds are recovering so quickly!!! LOL!!!

But seriously, I am SOOOO SO glad to see some good news here for once!!! I am rejoicing at all of this good news and I hope that things continue to only get better for you guys!! I'll continue to pray for you guys!!!