Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Plan

Well, we are home and very happy to be here.

Jeff had an appointment with Dr. Claxton today, and we now have a better idea of what to expect for the next eight weeks. For the next two weeks or so, we'll be traveling to Hershey twice a week for visits to Day Hospital, where Jeff will get transfusion support until his counts recover. Once his counts do recover, and he is making and holding on to his platelets, he'll get the reservoir installed in his head, through which he'll receive chemo to his central nervous system once a week. Also in two weeks, they'll perform another bone marrow biopsy, which will help Dr. Claxton to decide which chemotherapy regimen Jeff receives next. Regardless of the results, he'll be getting another week-long treatment in 3-4 weeks, to help his odds of being in remission at transplant time. If all of the transplant planning goes as expected, AND he is in remission or very close to it, AND his central nervous system is free and clear of disease, the transplant will take place in about 2 months.

Jeff's immune system is still severely suppressed, so if you're sick, please keep your germs at home. Other than that rule, I think it would be good for Jeff to get visitors and phone calls.


nicky and mark said...

Jeff, Jamie and JD,
So glad you made it home!!! We'll call and come for a visit soon!!!
Love you,
Mark and Nicky

Danielle Micale said...

oh boy oh boy oh boy am I glad you can be home for a bit.

JD sure is excited, he ran around like his heiny was on fire last night. I think it burned all night to gear up for today. Im gonna light mine for tonight, so i can make it through his excerise class.

Becky Wheeler Burns said...

Glad to hear you guys are back home in SM. That alone will make all of you feel better. I am going to send an email out to my friends down here in Pittsburgh about the marrow drive and information so they can get to the website. Take care!

Paula said...

Speaking of JD's excersize class...

JD will drag you to the deck where you will be running in place, marching,
doing jumping jacks, etc.
This little man keeps track of everybody and how well they perform.

It is an unforgettable experience
(come and join)
taking place at the Eckert's home.