Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Brand New Blog

Okay, so why on earth do I need a blog? I guess the answer to that question is much more complicated than even I realize, but I’ll try to explain. Fortunately, I happen to live in a blue state. Unfortunately, I live in a very red section of that state. Here in rural Pennsylvania, the conservatives are conservatives and the liberals are few and far between. Anyway, sometimes being in the minority really, really stinks. So, I often deal by writing for a few minutes to calm my type-A brain. Believe, when you live in a place like this you are continually forced to bite your tongue so as not to lose your job.

So, that’s the first reason – politics – a pretty common reason to have a blog.

Reason number two – I talk about my dogs way too much, which can’t be good for my career. I figure I’ll use my brand new blog to tell all the dog stories I want. Maybe not a completely common reason, but certainly perfectly acceptable in bloggerville.

Third Reason – Doesn’t everybody have a blog these days?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not realize you started your blogging career in August.
It's definitely worth the read.

Your Blog Admirer