Monday, August 07, 2006

Basketball and Lolita

We played the first round of summer league playoffs tonight and won by about 30 points. It was a fun game, but I'm feeling down instead of my usual post-game high. Weird.

Anyway, I'm fifty or sixty pages into "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov for book club. What a strangely intriguing experience. You can't help but wonder what the guy (a pedophile??) is going to say or do next, and your mind is telling you that you don't want to know, but your curiosity is killing you and you really can't wait to find out. One of the short blurbs on the back cover of the book says, "The only convincing love story of the century"...or something along those lines. Maybe I'm not far enough into the story, or maybe I'm just confused, but I'm pretty sure that Humbert Humbert is writing the story from jail...I hope it all comes together for me. I'm glad the book club hasn't seen any of the Lolita-based films. The fresh perspective should make for an interesting discussion.

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