Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More Bad News

The leukemia has invaded Jeff's spinal fluid. Not too much more to say about that except that he'll need to receive chemo through a spinal tap until they can install a port in his head. Some days you just need to say F**K.

He also has little bumps popping up all over his body, which the doctor thinks is leukemia cutis. They will biopsy one of these little bumps later today to confirm.


Paula said...

You can say WTF...

text is universal these days.

Laura Antonelli said...

You're in our thoughts and our prayers, Jamie, Jeff and JD.

Laura, Jamie, Gina & Carly Antonelli

Anonymous said...

Jeff, Jamie and JD,

Just wanted to let you know that we are all praying for you guys here at work. We check the blog everyday sometimes more than once!! You sure are a strong family!!

Your co-workers at GE

Trishschutz said...

You guys are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. God Bless.....

Trish (Ehrensberger) Schutz and Jason Schutz

Anonymous said...

you are very much in my prayers. may God bless and keep you safe from harm.


(a friend of susanne's)