Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Donor Questions

There have been some questions about donor eligibility. To see the full list of guidelines, please go here. Everyone will be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire, and not everyone will be eligible due to past/present medical issues.

Please note that if you have had cancer, you are probably not eligible, but there are a few exceptions. Please see this page for details.


Maria said...

Registering to be a donor is actually very simple. Go to the link that Jamie has posted, marrow.org and join the registry. You have to fill out about 15 or so questions on your age, health, etc. They are yes or no questions. You have to identify any health problems that you may have had, but they make it simple by listing them for you. After you have completed your checklist it will determine whether you are eligible. If you are they send you a kit to take your swabs at home. It's nothing more than swabbing inside your mouth. They will send you all the instructions. Everyone needs to attend the donor drive, but sign up for the kit also. It's easy, takes just minutes, and there's always that chance.

Jamie Schaut said...

Maria - Thanks for the explanation!

Just a quick addition....if you sign up for the kit on-line and send your swabs in to the Registry, you do not need to attend the drive to get yourself registered.

Laura Antonelli said...

Wow. I can't do it because I had a bulging disc diagnosed last year. Amazing. :-(