Friday, July 17, 2009


Jeff's been running a 104 degree temp for several days. Tylenol doesn't seem to helping much, so he is quite uncomfortable. His blood cultures have been coming back clean, so it's possible that the fever is a direct result of one of the chemo meds. Just in case it isn't, they've started him on a couple of antibiotics.

No word on the skin biopsy. I'm really hoping that it's not leukemia cutis, but we haven't gotten any good news this week, so those hopes are not very high.

Jeff's counts are bottoming out, and he'll receive red blood and platelets today. He currently has no immune system to speak of, so we have to hope that he doesn't catch anything too nasty.

Thank you for all the nice's hard not to cry as I read them.


Amy Gleason said...

Checking in on you again-- sending some deep breaths your way-


Unknown said...

There is not a minute that goes by that I am not thinking of you guys. You guys have such a strong relationship and have been through many up's and down's together!! Never give up hope. Look to J.D. for strength, there is something about the kid that can always put a smile on your face and help brighten even the darkest of days. Stay strong and keep fighting!! I will be down soon!! Sending hugs and kisses your way! I LOVE YOU GUYS VERY MUCH!!