Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day +17

Jeff's counts are all on the rise, which means (knock on wood) that he shouldn't need any more blood or platelet transfusions. As of now, it looks like Mark's stem cells are doing their job. Graph vs. Host Disease probably won't manifest itself in clinical symptoms until around Day +30. We just have to hope that nothing too serious crops up.

Unfortunately, Jeff still feels pretty badly. His body is working overtime to heal itself...the transplant coordinator compared it to running a marathon every day. We can expect him to lose 15 - 20% of his body weight over the next month or two (in addition to the 25 lbs he has already lost).


Anonymous said...

jeff and junior can sleep with their arms up in the air together now! they can both rest and grow together with their arms in the air.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure you will remember me from Thaddeus and Jill's wedding but I'm Thaddeus' sister, Kierstin. I've been hearing about everything you've been going through from Thadd, Jill, and my mom and I want to start by saying that I'm very sorry about everything you've endured. I just heard about your blog and my heart goes out to you as I read your experiences. I want to let you know that you, Jeff, and adorable little JD have towns of people rooting and praying for you - When I hear any news, I pass it long to my mother-in-law who knows Mark and has been very concerned about his role in all of this. As I told Marilyn when I caught her on the phone one day when I called Thadd and Jill's house - you and Jeff are so lucky to be a part of such a loving and generous family. It was heartwarming to hear about Mark donating and Thadd and Jill offering their home to so many people. With little JD and Jill's baby due soon, you're surrounded with good fortune, which is a great sign. I'm not much of a blogger but I will keep up with your news and will continue to send you and everyone else whose lives have been affected by your circumstances continued support and the hope for the very best outcome. Hang in there Jamie, Jill, Mark, Chad, Marilyn, Kenny, Mr. Wilson, etc. You're lucky to have each other's generosity and support!