Friday, November 16, 2007


Jeff was discharged from the hospital this evening. He's on a new antibiotic that should help take care of the residual infection that is still causing a low-grade fever. He's still feeling run-down, but much better than he has in quite a while.

The bone marrow biopsy came back clean, which means that the second round of chemo did its job. They've started him on growth factor to get his white count back up, and the rest of his blood counts should also start to recover. If his blood recovers without a measurable amount of leukemic cells, they'll call it a remission. However AML remissions are generally short-lived at this point in the treatment. So, if one of Jeff's siblings is a match, they'll proceed with a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible. If there is no sibling-match, we'll go to the bone marrow registry to search for an unrelated donor, and Jeff will have consolidation chemotherapy in the mean time to keep the leukemia at bay.

The baby must know that his/her Daddy just got past the first step of treatment, because he/she has been kicking up a storm today. Baby Eckert should be making an appearance in about 8 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jeff & Jamie on your good news! Just what you needed to hear before Thanksgiving!

You are all in our thoughts and prayers and we know that God, in His wonderful goodness and love, hears all of our prayers and, Jeff, you will become well and strong again!

This "chapter" of your lives will never be forgotten, for sure, but one day, when you can safely look back on it, it will forever be a reminder of how very precious life is and what a gift those we love are ... never to be taken for granted!

Your little one "on the way" will be a blessing and a confirmation of God's love for you both. Praise God and His gift of children in this world! Babies are pure joy!

God Bless You, Jeff, Jamie and your little baby soon to be born! Isn't it wonderful, just feeling that new little life growing stronger inside of you each day, Jamie?

You two will be the most beautiful parents, ever !!!

Can't wait to see all of you soon!
Love you so much!
Betsy & Joe

Anonymous said...

Jamie and Jeff's baby has a name and has since Jamie's 28th birthday on May 8th. We dubbed him 'Einstien'! He's growing and thriving as I write this. He's an amazing little baby even if he might be a girl. Go, Einstien!
You have incredible parents!

Anonymous said...

Jamie & Jeff,

Keep up the faith, Einstein is definately a blessing for the two of you. Let him take your mind off the worry.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, you will be in my prayers.

Kathy Petras