Saturday, December 01, 2007

Almost Home

Well, actually, we are home for the weekend. Jeff's counts have recovered to the point where he is no longer taking any medications, his platelets and white blood cells are rising on their own, and his red blood is holding steady. He's starting to feel much better, except for the pesty spot he still sees in his right eye, which we are told is just going to take a while to resolve itself.

Anyway, we will be home until Monday morning, when we have to travel back to Hershey for some pre-transplant testing. By Wednesday afternoon, we should be able to come back home until around the 20th, when Jeff will admitted for the transplant.


Anonymous said...

rumor has it, that jeff was trying to find where we splattered all this paint. haha. was he really worried. does he think that me and mom are a bunch of klutzes? (spelling?) haha. well its true. cuz i know a place that mom got paint, but my lips are sealed.

oh theres no need to worry, im only kidding. the only wacky thing she did was forget to put paint in a really big area in the form of "EINSTIEN'S ROOM" (spelled wrong)!

other than that, hope the stay at home was good, and i bet that chance carried a shoe around the entire time, cuz he was so excited to see you two.

Anonymous said...

Jamie wanted their place spotless for Jeff's first trip home. I'm here to tell you that it could pass the white glove test anywhere! The DREAM-CLEAN-TEAM, consisting of friends and family, did a stellar performance! This team also provided food, drinks and a skinny hanging Santa for ambiance. Yay, team!