Friday, December 22, 2006

It's Like a Cooking a Show!!

Tonight, I had my first real dinner party in my new kitchen. Have I mentioned how beautiful the new kitchen is? Jeff just got the under-cabinet trim and most of the kick-space trim finished, and boy is it sharp. Anyway, I love it. Someday, my blog will be full of before and after kitchen photos.

Jeff, Hannah and Corey, Jen, and Julie, Casey and Lindsey were the victims for my first ever dinner party in the new kitchen. I decided on an Italian-style meal because of all the things that could be prepared ahead of time, and made lasagna, a lovely salad, and stuffed mushrooms. BiLo made some great Italian bread which we paired with DaVinci EVOO and rosemary-mix dipping spice. Hannah provided a chocolate-almond cake, frosted festively, in green icing. I hate to toot my own horn, but everything turned out great. The food was satisfying and the conversation was full of laughs. We also oohed and aahed at the beautiful new baby, as we all took turns holding and hugging her. Julie and Casey seem so happy, and Lindsey has to be one of the most content babies I've ever met.

Oh, and I got a great compliment from Corey. He and Hannah were the first to arrive, and shortly after they sat down in the kitchen, I pulled out the stuffed mushrooms. Corey looked around at all of the food and said, "I feel like I'm on one of those cooking shows!" I said, "Thank You!!"

Wow, must have been a combination of all the good smells, a hungry belly and a beautiful kitchen - all prerequisites for gourmet television.

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