Thursday, February 19, 2009

Word of the Day

Jeff is still febrile, which means that he's feverish. Funny thing is that even though he's running a temp and his counts are at rock bottom, he still feels pretty good (physically). However, he hates being in the hospital and is extremely bored. Phone calls and funny text messages would probably be very welcome. To keep my Dad, The Minute Nazi happy, please call his room...(717) 531-7697. (Text messages are free for us.)

Because the docs don't know what's causing Jeff's temp, they're doing all sorts of tests. Besides culturing his blood, they CAT scanned his lungs today to make sure he doesn't have fungal pneumonia. He doesn't.

Other than than all of that mess, we're managing to get by without too much drama. JD's other tooth started to poke through, and he slept very well last night. I'm back to squeezing my workouts in, so that makes me pretty happy.

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