Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 20

Not much has changed since Wednesday night. Jeff is still spiking fevers, mostly at night, and they still haven't found anything in particular that is causing them. This happens quite often to neutropenic (means no neutrophils to fight infection) patients, and may just be the body's way of reacting to such low blood counts.

In any case, they are covering for every type of infection that might be causing the temp, as he is on oral and IV antibiotics, anti-fungal, and anti-viral medications. He also swishes his mouth with saline several times a day to keep it clean, swishes with a numbing agent to fight the minor muscousitis that he has, and puts drops in his eyes to combat the drying caused by the chemo. Did I mention that he also has c-diff again? Luckily, his symptoms are much less severe than the last two times he had it (no horrible vomiting & diarrhea).

Despite all of this, Jeff's spirits are still pretty good. He still has his sense of humor and is handling the situation quite well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie you guys are going through so much...but poor Jeff hope we get good news pretty soon..I hope you are eating to stay strong. Give the guys a big hug for us.Nice you are keeping us informed....PS I dont know what c-diff is but probable not good!!!Take care, Love YOU ALL Florencie