Tuesday, December 30, 2008

By the Way

My last post certainly wasn't meant to offend anyone, and I hope it didn't. I'm just trying to point out that society needs to be more supportive of nursing mothers, so that more mothers nurse.

Also, it certainly is not necessary to show your breast while nursing in public. In fact, you can almost do it so that no one knows you're nursing. Personally, I do not nurse in public because I feel like I'll make someone uncomfortable, which of course, is part of the problem. If pictures of mothers nursing make Facebook uncomfortable enough to remove them, I'm quite sure that a real-live nursing mother is going to make someone uncomfortable. I'm also afraid that I'll get a disgusted look from someone, a look meant to make me feel like I'm doing something shameful. And, I certainly do not want to feel shame about doing what's best for my baby.

Monkey see, monkey do.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I cried when I had trouble breast-feeding Harlan. It was over a holiday weekend, and it was difficult to get someone to help me. I tried pumping and nothing came out -- that's when I knew that my baby wasn't getting any food. The lactation consultant scolded me for giving him some formula rather than listening to him cry in hunger. I think there are extremist in both camps. I shouldn't have been made to feel ashamed for NOT breastfeeding my child.
Yes, society needs to be more accepting. I would have fed my baby in public because I do realize that it can be done discretely (and I'm pretty good at being oblivious to what's going on around me). I also think that advocates need to be a little more patient with society. Doctor's for years pushed formula, and it's going to take years for people to move past that and back to breastfeeding.
BTW -- how do you feel about circumcision? That's another thing society does for no medical reason.

All my love,