Saturday, June 30, 2007

11 Weeks

I know my titles are getting very boring, but I feel like that's how I'm living my life right now...week by week. I'll be a little relieved when I'm through the first trimester and I can stop worrying about miscarrying. (Not that I'm worrying all the time, but I guess it's always in the back of my head.)

This past week I've been feeling much better. I'm not nearly as tired, and I've been able to get through whole days without napping. I went for my first run in about a month this evening, and it felt great to sweat again. The nausea is also much less noticeable. My second doctor's visit went well, and the ultrasound showed the baby moving around. Jeff went along this time and I think he's actually starting to get a little excited.

On a non-pregnancy note, we had Steph's bridal shower today and the boys are at Dan's bachelor party. The wedding is four weeks from today. I hope my dress still fits me then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm. this was a good entry.