Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Joy of Hormones

Yesterday, while I was at work, a beast of a zit started growing on my chin. It so disturbed me, that I squeezed the living crap out of it last night and it exploded all over my mirror. I was hoping that would be the end of things, but when I woke up this morning it actually had three awful-white heads sprouting from it. So, I popped again and again and was left with a bright red pimple. This is an embarrassing thing to have when you're 28 years old. So, I covered it with white-out tape once I got to work. I told my co-workers that I was protecting them from getting poked in the eye by my pimple. I'm not sure what's worse....white-out tape or a honking beacon on your chin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAAHA!!!!! this is disgusting!!!! i read it to ryan, and he said. "why would she write taht?" haha i told him yuo were crazy! haha. oh my goodness. i was embarrased about going to work with tothpaste on my neck to dry out a zit. but you puposefully put white out on your chin. i never realized how cool you were! haha