Friday, November 17, 2006

Sleeping with Jeffy

Okay, at first glance, you might think my title is a little risqué, but seriously, do you think I’d talk about sex on my very public blog?

To get to my point…I used to be a morning person! I would wake up one or two minutes before my alarm went off, and never have to hear that annoying beep, beep, beep. Now, I’ve seemingly morphed into someone who likes to sleep in late (JEFF). The problem with this is that I still can’t stay up much later than 10pm! I think that Jeff has an easier time with mornings that I do. I’m not blaming this entirely on him, either. Do you know how hard it is to get out of bed when you have two warm, furry, live teddy bears cuddled up next to you?

On that note, Chancer Boy and Hallie are not morning dogs. Chance lets out a little, “do we have to get up?” groan every morning when the alarm goes off. And, I have to beg Hallie to get out of bed to go outside. Oh, the days of our lives…


Anonymous said...

I think i converted brendan, like jeff converted you! haha! late sleepers unite!!!

Rachael said...

I have to give kudos to the baby this morning. He's usually up at 7 and we NEVER get to sleep in anymore (he doesn't understand weekends), but this morning he was a real trooper.

First, you need to know that he usually wakes up once during the night, and it's never the same time. This morning it was 6am, but so long as it's not too close to 7, I can give him a bottle and he'll go back to sleep. That's how this morning started -- 6am bottle and back to sleep. I think he woke up at 7am, but I rolled over to wait a few minutes before getting him up and I guess we both fell back to sleep. The same senario ocurred at 8am (I feel like a bad mommy for rolling over, but he obviously wasn't too hell bent on getting up or he wouldn't have fallen back to sleep). I finally pulled myself out of bed a little after 9am when he woke up again (even then he wasn't crying, but just talking to himself -- a different story I'm sure if he had been hungry). What a patient little boy!

All you couples who enjoy your late mornings, savor them. If you plan to have kids, it'll all be over until the youngest can feed himself breakfast.