Tuesday, November 28, 2006

First Day (Hour) of Rifle Season

I'm totally blogging out of order here, because I intend to write all about what I'm thankful for this year, but some things are important to post immediately. So, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Jeff got this 8-point buck just a little after 7 am on Monday morning. He was hunting with his brother, Mark, in an undisclosed area (of course) in Pennsylvania. This is Jeffy's first big one, and he is just thrilled. (And, I'm thrilled for him, however, when we get the bill from the taxidermist, I may not be so thrilled.)


Anonymous said...

i have two comments. congratulations jeff!!! and
Poor Mark!

Anonymous said...

i guess i shuold clarify that last comment. poor mark was directed towards my brother! mark micale! he has two game cameras and countless hours in the woods and he still has no deer! hes resorted to playing deer hunter on the computer so he can at least see a deer!!