Saturday, October 07, 2006

Youth Pheasant Hunt

Today was Hallie's day to shine, and that she did. We met up with Robbie, Denny and Curtis early this morning, and by 8:05 am Hallie had pointed 5 or 6 birds with Curtis bagging two of them. All of us had a fun time together...there's nothing like hanging with the Wilsons'. Oh, the little Chancer Boy did okay for a gun-shy beagle. He loves being with Hal Bears, but just hates those guns!

We also attended the Pheasants Forever Youth Hunt, where we were paired up with a 14 year old boy named Nick. The hunting here was a bit more difficult, but we did track down some birds. Unfortunately, Nick wasn't able to connect. He did have fun, and ended up winning the gun raffle, so it was a great day for him, too.

The usual characters were present at the festivities, and I have to say that I look forward to this event every year. The only bad part of the day was Hallie's small, but yucky-looking injury. A 1 inch section of the skin on her leg was cut through to the muscle. We used some Super Glue to bond it back together, but we'll keep a close eye on it for the next few days. This may require a trip to Dr. Moore's office.

Dad and Rich are at the races tonight with Psycho Bob and various other characters. I'm sure they're having a good time! Jeffy and the rest of Six Pak are playing (in front of a packed crowd, I'm sure) at the Legion. I'm sitting home nursing two very tired puppies, and loving every minute of my relaxing Saturday night at home.

Oh - we're reading "The Terrorist," by John Updike. It's slow-going so far...but I'm sticking with it.

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