Saturday, September 23, 2006

Something Marilyn Said

So, for those non-existent readers who don't know who Marilyn is...she's my mother-in-law.

Anyway, today, Troy Taylor married Becki Schneider. The ceremony was lovely, and as I usually do at weddings, I cried. I don't know why this happens, I don't consider myself an overly-emotional person, but I guess shedding happy tears is a good thing, so I won't wonder about myself too much. Getting back to Marilyn...

Right before the ceremony was about to start, she turned to me and said, "Jeff seems really happy. I just want to thank you for that." First of all, what a nice thing to say! I am so lucky to have such a loving mother-in-law. Second, while I do believe Jeff is happy, I also believe that people are, for the most part, in a steady-state of happiness. While I think that this fluctuates for short periods during especially difficult, or especially joyful times, I think that eventually you equalize to your innate state of happy (or sad, for that matter). So, while I'm glad that Jeffy is happy, because I'm very happy, too, I think that Marilyn, being that is was she who raised him, probably has more to do with his being a happy person, than I do.

All that being said, and taking into account something Henry Winkler said, ["Assumptions are the termites of relationships"], I will still continue to work on the relationship so not to assume that our marriage will live infinitely on without further compromise, commitment, giving, laughter and loving.

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