Sunday, September 17, 2006

Kitchen Update and Other Facts of Life

This week, we continued work on our remodeling project by tearing out the carpet and particle board subfloor in the hallway. We also began laying the new plywood subfloor that will suffice as an excellent anchor for our 3/4" oak floor. Needless to say, any time you have to do demolition, you end up with an absolute mess. Until we started this project (back in January), I didn't have an appreciation for how messy things could get. Layer upon layer of dust saturated the house for weeks after we actually finished the demolition portion of the job. Anyway, I'll be glad when it's all over.

Dad arrived home safely from Las Vegas. He came home with less money than he went with, but he had a great time, and that's what matters. He also indulged in the Rio Seafood buffet, which makes me very jealous! We're trying to plan a Thanskgiving holiday to Key West, Florida....I hope it actually happens.


Anonymous said...

I think you should add some crown molding to your house. The real ritsy kind like in my cave at school!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting description of your demolition kitchen.

This finally explains why I still have my hard wood slats in bundles.