Friday, January 22, 2010

Chugging Along

After being really healthy for quite some time, my body sort of crashed on me. I'm two weeks into a head and chest cold, and I am finally starting to feel some relief. I think that the stress of the past two years accumulated into something that was bound to end in a bit of a meltdown. I'm still having some trouble sleeping, but hopefully, things will start to resolve themselves soon. I figure that it's all part of the grieving process, and I have no other choice but to endure it.

I just spent some time looking at pictures of Jeff before he got sick. His smile was SO big. It easily lit up his entire face, including his beautiful blue eyes. When I look at pre-leukemia photos, I can just hear him laughing at SpongeBob or singing "4th of July." It is refreshing and healing to remember Jeff before he got sick.

Now that I can do so without crying, I think I'll let some of our good memories flood my brain.


Michele Meraglia Ament said...

I would love to talk about some of those memories with you! Obviously, it has been a while, but I still have a ton of memories of you and Jeff together. Let's try to get together soon!!

Lisa & Rob said...

That is why God gave us memories... It is hard to forget him being sick, but for comfort and a smile remember him the way he would want you to...happy. We still think of you and JD. We continue to pray for you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Michelle I have some wonderful memories of Jeff. Anyone that truely knew him has some great memories. I was looking back through some old pictures the last time that I was home and we had some great times.
Yvonne (Young) Thomas

Anonymous said...


As you are able today to now celebrate little J.D.'s 2nd birthday, see Jeff in J.D.'s beautiful blue eyes and huge smile, and know that Jeff is there with all of you and always will be. Will be thinking of you all today and hope that this new year will be filled with lots of happy memories as you begin the healing process.

Wishing you many days of warm sunshine on your face and peace in your heart.

Love ~ Betsy

Becki and Troy said...

Troy has lots of Jeff stories as well. Love to hear them as they always put a smile on our faces or have us lauging. Keep on "chugging along" Jamie!
