Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day +1

Jeff received his new cells yesterday without any problems. However, he had a pretty rough night due to a headache that required lots of morphine, so he won't be discharged today.
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Rob and Lisa said...

I heard this on my way to church this morning and thought of you guys.

For You, I Wish a Burst of Orange
by: Tricia LaVoice

Picnics were planned up on the ridge, hikes were mapped out through the valleys and time was set aside for talks about everything and nothing down by the river. We held expectations and made detailed plans on how we would lavish in her new birthed colors and tranquility. It was all under our control that Autumn until the skies opened, the rain fell and storms blew in sweeping away much of her beauty before its time. Saddened, we walked with our heads to the ground until a burst of orange caught our eyes awakening us to her veiled beauty. Gazing through the gray we saw shades of reds and purples, yellows shouting for attention while ginger and scarlet, amethyst and crimson radiated in contrast with the soaked dark bark supporting them. Her beauty was not swept away, it was just overshadowed requiring some effort to unearth... We set our expectations of what our lives will be, we make our plans of how they will go but soon we find that much of life is out of our control. While we lavish the good times, we must remember during the hard times to gaze through the sorrow and heartaches finding bursts of love and strength. We must soak in the beauty of our lives that may be overshadowed but that are always there when we make the effort to find it . For you, I wish a burst of orange.

Jill Campbell said...

That's a beautiful statement above!