Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jeff, JD and Spongebob

Jeff's been doing pretty well. His blood has been looking acceptable and he's been completely weaned from the steroids. His energy level is almost back to normal (my opinion - I'm not sure where he thinks he is on that topic), and he continues to work 20 hours a week. We'll go back to Hershey at the end of the month, and with any luck, the doctor will give the go-ahead to go back to work full-time.

Since I would much rather write about things other than Jeff's health, I thought I would fill you in on what JD has been up to. Have I mentioned that I have the cutest baby in the world? Anyway, he's learning lots of new words, and last week he actually pointed at me and said, "Mama." We've also discovered that if we point to Spongebob and ask JD "who's that?", he says, "Spongebob"....well, his version of the word, and it's actually pretty recognizable.

JD loves playing with cars and tools. He walks around the garage for 20 minutes at a time, carrying a wrench and "fixing" stuff. I guess in that respect, he's taking after Jeff. He prefers the 4-wheeler to the tractor, loves playing in the sandbox, and fills up his Dad's cart with rocks. He already loves the water and has no problem sticking his head directly under the garden hose. I'll post some new pictures soon.

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