Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jeff, JD, and Me

Earlier in the week, Jeff had some sort of flu-like bug that seems to have gone away, which is great, because neither of us were looking forward to another trip to Hershey so soon. Little problems like this remind us that we aren't out of the woods yet, but it was reassuring that he was able to get over the illness without any extra interventions. Anyway, enough about Jeff. I would much rather talk about JD!

Easter morning JD found his basket (right in the middle of the living room), and immediately started babbling about his excitement. He opened up a camouflage plastic egg (I have no idea where the Easter Bunny comes up with these things) and had a quick bite of a peanut butter egg before moving on to opening his present. As soon as he saw the Little People airplane, he said "Oh, Wow!" Now, keep in mind that JD doesn't say too many (if any) words yet. He is limited to, and I may be stretching things here...Da, Ma, and Dog - which sounds a lot like Daaaaa, which he yells, while pointing at Hallie and Chance. So, it was quite a treat to hear such profound words come out of his mouth. He also got a pair of light up sandals, which he wanted to put on right away. I'm afraid that his little piggies are sticking right out the end of these size sixes. The kid has big feet.

I am enjoying having things back to semi-normal, and when I got home from work yesterday, Jeff was feeling well enough to watch JD while I took a nap. I felt like a new person when I woke up, so JD and I whipped up a pot of chili (JD helped by getting all of the potatoes, onions and pans out of the cupboards and throwing them on the floor) and played together until it was his bedtime. After that, Rhonda and I did our P90X workout (we're in Week 4) and I finished off the night with a soak in the tub - which by the way, Rhonda, felt like I was bathing in Icy Hot. I'm not sure if I like that stuff!!

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