Tuesday, August 28, 2007


It's pretty sad when I have to write about a whole month all at once, but I'll give it a try.

Pregnancy first...I had my 20 week ultrasound at the hospital today, and the technician spent about 45 minutes taking pictures and measurements of all sorts of things. We looked at the head, eyes, nose, heart, bladder, stomach, legs, arms, feet, hands....you get the picture. To summarize the findings, all things are measuring up just fine, the baby weighs about 13 ounces, the heart was beating at 154 beats/minute and they've moved my due date to January 11th. This means that by Friday, I'll be 21 weeks pregnant. At my last regular doctor's appointment, we listened to the heartbeat, which was very cool. Oh - and I've gained about 6 pounds, but my belly has popped and I've been hungry as a horse (Clay - I think) for the past week.

On a lighter note, it seems that the baby is a bit sassy (who would've thought?). The whole time the technician was working, the baby was busy kicking the probe. I could feel this, and so could the technician, who kept giggling about it. I was just thinking, "Oh great, this baby is not going to be the content napper that Jeffy was." Enough about Baby Einstein...

The Booger has gone back to school and just like her boss told her she would at the beginning of her PennDot job, she has switched her major to Civil Engineering. Go Danielle!! She also has moved into a great apartment with two very nice and pretty roommates. What a great combination that makes!

Walter is busy enjoying his retirement. He built a car port/boat port/woodshed for less than $8.00. Yes, folks, that's eight bucks. That's my Dad. He also fishes almost every day, but never fails to call both Rich and me to tell us about his day, his investments, Oz, Brady, and a multitude of other things.

Summer is coming to an end, but as I have mentioned, we're leaving for Las Vegas on Saturday. I'm so excited to lounge by the pool, read some good books and eat yummy food. These buffets are going to come at the perfect time. I may actually get my money's worth!

More later...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I've been a worse Blogger reader, but am proud to say I'm all caught up and laughted my head off over most of the journey.
We have so many memories to share with Einstein before he makes his appearance on earth.

Anonymous said...

well well well. baby einstein seems to have a bit of an attitude at a very early age. what is this... negative five months. haha. this is a good thing though. look at me and you. einsteins going to be another fun and interesting person. haha.

walter called me yesterday. i felt important. also, that garage is very precious to walter. his face lit up when he told me he just topped it off with a flag!!! oh walter.