Monday, July 30, 2007

Fifteen Weeks and Counting

I have been a very lazy blogger lately, but I’ll try to pick things up soon. As far as the pregnancy goes, I haven’t got much to report, except that all is well. My check-up last week showed that the baby is growing as it should be, his or her heart is beating at 154 beats/minute, my blood pressure is good and low, and I haven’t gained any more weight (2 lbs so far).

I’m still tired, but that problem is MUCH better than what it was in the first trimester. My belly is starting to bulge out a little bit, but it still isn’t all that noticeable to everyone else. I did order a pair of maternity jeans from Old Navy, but my regular clothes are still fitting pretty well.

This past weekend was Dan and Steph’s wedding, which was a blast. The ceremony went well, the picture-taking was fun, the food was good and the guests (from what I could tell) had a great time. Unfortunately, Jeff got sent to California last week for work, and missed the whole thing. He is still there, but is supposed to be home on Wednesday night.


Anonymous said...

its a bummer jeff had to miss the wedding. it was a lot of fun!
i think this blog needs more pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

WE WANT MORE BLOG!!!! WE WANT MORE BLOG!!!! looks like the fans have spoken!