Monday, June 09, 2008

Jeff, JD, and a Couple of Trips

Well, it's been a while since I've written anything, so I guess I have some catching up to do. First of all, Jeff is doing great. He's been back to work full-time for about a month, and isn't scheduled to go back to Hershey until the 30th. His blood work has been looking good, and I can see his stamina steadily increasing. Enough about Jeff....

Did I ever mention that I have the cutest baby ever? Paula, Danielle and I took him to Baltimore in May, and Jeff and I took a trip to Virginia Beach to attend a wedding and have a mini vacation. To convince everyone that I have the cutest baby ever, I'm going to post a few more pictures.

1 comment:

dlm5029 said...

adorable...need i say more?