Friday, July 31, 2009

Breathe Easy for a Bit

Jeff's marrow was clean, which means that he'll probably recover his blood counts in remission. Now, we have to hope that the remission is durable enough to get him to transplant before relapsing.

I'm wondering where Danielle is right now...probably plotting revenge against me because I told the world that she gets out of the car too slow.


Sally said...


Yeah for some good news! We continue to pray for Jeff’s recovery and for your continued strength during all of this.

Oh and JD will likely be showing you his boo boo for the next 12 months! My kids seem to remember the boo boo LOOONG after the injury has healed!

Sally, Andy, Ava & Reese

Lorraine and Huncher said...

Yeah for an encouraging report.
Will continue prayers.

Unknown said...

That's wonderful news! Always thinking of you guys!


Unknown said...

good news travels fast - your friends at GE

Anonymous said...

Great news! We are all praying the news keeps getting better. We know it will! Now let's all rally and get a donor for Jeff.....
Take care and let us know if you need anything.
Love Maria and Bobby

Paula said...

Wow for you, Jeffie
and Wow for Danielle!

This retaliation comment of Danielle's
getting out of the car SLOW
is SLOW in coming.

Check the TV, radio news, or look in the sky. There could be a blimp with a sign:

Spongs said...

Hi Jamie, Jeff and JD!
GREAT NEWS!!!! We couldn't be happier for truly deserve the best!
Will keep the prayers going!
Take Care!
Jen and Glenn Spong

Anonymous said...

Jeff and Jamie,
Just want you to know that I continue to read your blogs weekly. I start where I left off, and read up till the most current. Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I cry. I read them aloud to Dave to keep him informed. You all are in our constant thoughts and prayers. I could just go on and on, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Jeff, get better, so we can get the boys together to play!!!!!!!! Sounds like JD and Blake will get along beautifully. He's a bit of a spitfire too!!!!!! Can't wait for you to meet Carter.
Love, Jacinda and Dave