Apparently, the Mark Eckert household recently held a rally in Jeff's honor. Please keep in mind that if you send me pictures, they might get posted to my blog!!
I've once again been forced to do my work, and all other things requiring the internet at Panera Bread. They make a great cinnamon crunch bagel, and of course, I pair it with a morning Pepsi. Recently, I tried to stop consuming anything containing sugar....obviously, that didn't work out so well.
Jeff has been fever-free for about 2 days, and with any luck, he'll be discharged tonight. The steroids seem to have helped with his rash, and overall, he is feeling okay. Even though we'll still be spending lots of time at the hospital, it will be completely refreshing for that time to be as an outpatient.

Haha Great pics! Can't help but to smile looking at them. What a way to brighten a day!
Who's Jeef?
Hey Jamie, Jeff & JD,
I am so excited that I found your page. Our thoughts are prayers are with you.
Love and prayers,
Adam and Jackie Bauer
What great pics and great news too. Hopefully all things are looking up. Jeff looks strong for someone who has been through so much, and JD well what can one say, the boy steals the show everywhere he goes. Next time have someone take a family pic and share your smile with us too. The 3 of you make a beautiful picture. (By the way sugar is totally legal in times of stress, so eat without guilt.)
As always, sending you all good thoughts and prayers.
Love to all
Chriss & Andy
That's awesome!!..but be certain, they are not the only ones rallying for you!!
Take care!
Thoughts and prayers!
Jen Spong
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