Friday, September 11, 2009

The Whole Story

Instead of rehashing the entire story and annoying myself again, I'm only going to say that Jeff didn't get his Ommaya placed yesterday, and according to me, it was caused by a bit of myopia on the part of the surgical staff. It's been rescheduled for next week, and it seems that things will be a little better organized.

As you can see from Danielle's comment, she has been a bit of thorn in my side since the day she was born. She is, however, my "sister," and I love her to pieces.


Anonymous said...

Go for that long run in between the raindrops, Jamie. Give Jeff and little J.D. a big hug and kiss ... and get Marilyn to join you in that hot tub with the L.I. iced tea, okay?

Love Danielle's comments ... she always makes me laugh! Sisters are the best!

Next week will be better !

Love you all ~ Betsy

Danielle Micale said...

Well if anyone knows me, I am entirely too loud and proud to let this post slip through my fingers!

you can count on me to always be that little (some may say..big) thorn in your side! and also that someday far far far away I will reproduce, and there will be more thorns. I may even train them into being a whole thorny bush. Having said that, you can also count on me and my non-existant thorn bush to love you to crumbles each and every day.

oh and to the world...Jamie has always been my bully..she would have stolen my lunch money every day if we went to the same school.
But I would not be who i am today without you, Jamie. and I thank you for kicking my heiny.