Not too much to report. Jeff is feeling okay physically, aside from the fatigue and weakness. However, both of our mental and emotional states could use some work. We have an appointment at clinic tomorrow with Dr. Claxton, where hopefully, we'll learn a little more about what to expect over the next month or so. I'm going to push for them to schedule his Day Hospital visits with 2 days between, so that we can go home and just commute back and forth. We miss our dogs, our bed, our families...I could go on and on.
JD had a little bout with a virus this week. He had a fever, a one-time vomit (all over my car, of course) and he has a couple of mouth sores. I think maybe it's that hand, foot and mouth thing that kids get. He was feeling much better tonight, and so far, Jeff has remained symptomless. JD has been an exceptionally healthy kid, so I shouldn't whine too much about this, but the timing wasn't exactly great. Then again, JD arrived into this world 6 days after Jeff's first transplant, so I should probably expect that my life is going to abide by Murphy's Law.
Anyway, with a little persistence and some late-night driving, we might get to sleep in our own bed tomorrow night. Three cheers for that.
Hey Jamie,
I hope all goes well today and that you all get to come home!! Can't believe that someone hit your new car, and now poor little JD puked in it, never fails does it! Glad JD and Jeff are feeling better! I'm sure some time at home will do you all some good!
We miss and love you guys!!! Hang in there Jamie!!! See you soon!
Love You,
Mom just told me this morning that JD has tried to grab two bees already today. turns out the little boy needs more proof.
I have fire fly catching on the agenda for this weekend. Much safer and cooler than bees!
Jamie, Jeff and JD have lived in 6(count'm) six different places in the past fiscal month.
Packing is 2nd nature to this family. I was lucky enough to be involved in the last packing.
There were two Bud-Lights
in the fridge,
so I knew immediately
that we would have to drink them!
They were pint,
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