We've settled back in Hershey for the week and had an appointment with Dr. Claxton yesterday. Jeff's blood work showed that his white count is up to 2.9, but his differential wasn't back by the time we left, so I'll guess we'll find out today whether or not he is making good cells. His platelets are still very low, but they're going to try and get the Ommaya in later this week with the help of some transfused platelets.
In addition to all of that news yesterday, it turns out that Jeff's kidneys are failing again, so most of his meds have been discontinued. They'll follow his creatinine levels closely this week to make sure that everything starts working properly. In the mean time, Jeff is still feeling a little weird and worn down. His taste buds have been rejecting everything but fruit and other sweet things, so he's not been eating much.
I can tell you that this has been one long, never-ending road, with way too many bumps, and smooth sailing is not expected anytime soon. I would like to think that I'll come out of this a better person, but in reality, there are certain hardships in life that don't really make you better, stronger or happier in the long run. This is one of them. You can only dance in the rain so long before your feet and hands start to prune, your body starts to shiver and you need to find shelter from the storm.
Hi guys!
Although I cannot say that I know how you feel, because I truly believe that only someone who has gone through this really understands..I can say that I put myself in your place and think "could I do this?". While, I dont have the answer to that..I do want to say that you two seem to be handling it the best way possible and I really admire your strength. I'm sure there are many things "behind closed doors" that you are going through. I can say that I continue to think of you and pray for a break from this "storm" that you have been going through! Stay strong and take the breaks that are necessary!
Keep your heads up..you will get through this!!
Take Care, thoughts and prayers!
Jen and Glenn Spong
I totally hear you. Your comment and analogy on this battle (especially your own) is well received with me. Please know that I am thinking of you-- and wishing there was a way to do anything to change the course- for so many.
The only quote I can think of to help is...
"When you are going through HELL, KEEP GOING!" Winston Churchill
I wish I could say something to help you. Somehow, someway, when one thinks they cannot go any longer, they pull one more day out. I will keep you in my prayers.
With love,
Jackie & Adam Bauer
“At the timberline where the storms strike with the most fury, the sturdiest trees are found.” Hudson Taylor
You are too close to the storm right now to recognize the strength that you have already shown. It is so evident to your family and friends that you and Jeff are two very strong people. And if you think that you don’t think you have any strength left, lean on us. We are here for you.
Sally, Andy, Ava & Reese
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