Usually, the anticipation of something ends up being better than the actual event. This wasn't true in the case of coming home. Jeff, JD and I have been trying to settle into a sort of normal life again, although with 2 doctor's appointments this week, we are easily reminded that life is far from normal. Jeff is feeling better, but on Tuesday, we traveled to Du Bois to see the radiation oncologist. Because chemotherapy doesn't reach all parts of the body equally, and Jeff's leukemia presented with tumors, he is probably going to need some follow-up radiation. Because of the unique situation, the oncologist needed to do some research before prescribing a plan for us. So, once again, we wait to find out what happens next.
Today, Jeff is in Hershey with his Mom for an appointment with Dr. Claxton. Due to some mix up with his scheduled appointment and the fact that Jeff felt a little funny on Monday, he's there a few days early. Hopefully, the funny feeling was nothing, but the doctors err on the side of caution for quite some time following an allogeneic stem cell transplant.
JD is growing like a weed, and gets visibly smarter every day. Today is the first day that the baby and I will get to spend alone together. It's about time. The dogs are taking to the baby slowly. Hallie is a little jealous, but likes to sit with us in the middle of the night while I'm nursing. Chance is a little more aloof towards him, and really likes to the smell the diaper pail. Neither of them have shown the least bit of aggression, so I think they'll eventually learn to love the little guy as much as they love us.
I'll try to get some more baby pictures posted soon.
Thank God we heard some news!
How about it, you addicted, involved, people!
We love, love, love hearing good news!
Jeff is +43 today. At day +100 we'll have a party!
Yep, we need, need, need pictures of Little Jeff, JD, Jeffie, Junior, beautiful boy, Junior Junior, little darlin', good boy, little sweetheart, or his real name Jeff David Eckert Jr.
Little Jeff, you've captured our hearts!
Thank goodness JD doesn't look like a weed.
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